ESG Readiness Rating & Report ⓘ
A high-level, 10’ self-assessment tool that assesses the user’s alignment with globally established ESG standards and principles. The tool stands as a first level look at entities’ ESG-related risks and opportunities.
ESG Pragmatic Rating ⓘ
A complete, pragmatic ESG assessment, specially tailored to the needs and materiality of each sub-industry. Available in English / Greek.
Weak – Strong Points Analysis ⓘ
Get an overview of your weak and strong points regarding sustainability and ESG.
Showcase your ESG Report in your website with BI ⓘ
Get your ESG Report in PDF and BI format, ready to embed it in your website
E-Learning: All courses up to 2 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
Custom Materiality Analysis* ⓘ
Get a chance to influence which sustainability matters are most material to you, and get a customized materiality map, unique to your company
ESG Analyst Debrief ⓘ
A 45' briefing (conference call) with an ESG analyst from ESGenius! to explain all the details of your results and improvement opportunities.
ESG Smart Action Plan ⓘ
An automated policy-making report at an entity level, including a customized, cost-based action plan. Incorporating Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and best business practices.
CO2 Calculator* ⓘ
An easy to use tool (customized per industry) to help calculate Scope 1 & 2 emissions from direct and indirect activities, the ESGenius! CO2 Calculator incorporates best-in-class data and is aligned with the most rigorous standards in carbon/GHG accounting. Users get a tool they can be confident calculates their emissions with the utmost relevance to their specific location, industry, and activity, and in full accordance with the National Climate Law (N.4936). The results can be incorporated directly in your ESG Pragmatic Rating. Available in English.
EU Taxonomy Alignment Tool* ⓘ
A complete EU Taxonomy Solution assessing companies’ alignment to the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation objectives to provide a holistic picture of a company’s overall alignment
E-Learning: All courses up to 5 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
ESG Readiness Rating & Report ⓘ
A high-level, 10’ self-assessment tool that assesses the user’s alignment with globally established ESG standards and principles. The tool stands as a first level look at entities’ ESG-related risks and opportunities.
ESG Pragmatic Rating ⓘ
A complete, pragmatic ESG assessment, specially tailored to the needs and materiality of each sub-industry. Available in English / Greek.
Weak – Strong Points Analysis ⓘ
Get an overview of your weak and strong points regarding sustainability and ESG.
Showcase your ESG Report in your website with BI ⓘ
Get your ESG Report in PDF and BI format, ready to embed it in your website
E-Learning: All courses up to 2 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
Custom Materiality Analysis* ⓘ
Get a chance to influence which sustainability matters are most material to you, and get a customized materiality map, unique to your company
ESG Analyst Debrief ⓘ
A 45' briefing (conference call) with an ESG analyst from ESGenius! to explain all the details of your results and improvement opportunities.
ESG Smart Action Plan ⓘ
An automated policy-making report at an entity level, including a customized, cost-based action plan. Incorporating Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and best business practices.
CO2 Calculator* ⓘ
An easy to use tool (customized per industry) to help calculate Scope 1 & 2 emissions from direct and indirect activities, the ESGenius! CO2 Calculator incorporates best-in-class data and is aligned with the most rigorous standards in carbon/GHG accounting. Users get a tool they can be confident calculates their emissions with the utmost relevance to their specific location, industry, and activity, and in full accordance with the National Climate Law (N.4936). The results can be incorporated directly in your ESG Pragmatic Rating. Available in English.
EU Taxonomy Alignment Tool* ⓘ
A complete EU Taxonomy Solution assessing companies’ alignment to the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation objectives to provide a holistic picture of a company’s overall alignment
E-Learning: All courses up to 5 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
ESG Readiness Rating & Report ⓘ
A high-level, 10’ self-assessment tool that assesses the user’s alignment with globally established ESG standards and principles. The tool stands as a first level look at entities’ ESG-related risks and opportunities.
ESG Pragmatic Rating ⓘ
A complete, pragmatic ESG assessment, specially tailored to the needs and materiality of each sub-industry. Available in English / Greek.
Weak – Strong Points Analysis ⓘ
Get an overview of your weak and strong points regarding sustainability and ESG.
Showcase your ESG Report in your website with BI ⓘ
Get your ESG Report in PDF and BI format, ready to embed it in your website
E-Learning: All courses up to 2 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
Custom Materiality Analysis* ⓘ
Get a chance to influence which sustainability matters are most material to you, and get a customized materiality map, unique to your company
ESG Analyst Debrief ⓘ
A 45' briefing (conference call) with an ESG analyst from ESGenius! to explain all the details of your results and improvement opportunities.
ESG Smart Action Plan ⓘ
An automated policy-making report at an entity level, including a customized, cost-based action plan. Incorporating Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and best business practices.
CO2 Calculator* ⓘ
An easy to use tool (customized per industry) to help calculate Scope 1 & 2 emissions from direct and indirect activities, the ESGenius! CO2 Calculator incorporates best-in-class data and is aligned with the most rigorous standards in carbon/GHG accounting. Users get a tool they can be confident calculates their emissions with the utmost relevance to their specific location, industry, and activity, and in full accordance with the National Climate Law (N.4936). The results can be incorporated directly in your ESG Pragmatic Rating. Available in English.
EU Taxonomy Alignment Tool* ⓘ
A complete EU Taxonomy Solution assessing companies’ alignment to the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation objectives to provide a holistic picture of a company’s overall alignment
E-Learning: All courses up to 5 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
ESG Readiness Rating & Report ⓘ
A high-level, 10’ self-assessment tool that assesses the user’s alignment with globally established ESG standards and principles. The tool stands as a first level look at entities’ ESG-related risks and opportunities.
ESG Pragmatic Rating ⓘ
A complete, pragmatic ESG assessment, specially tailored to the needs and materiality of each sub-industry. Available in English / Greek.
Weak – Strong Points Analysis ⓘ
Get an overview of your weak and strong points regarding sustainability and ESG.
Showcase your ESG Report in your website with BI ⓘ
Get your ESG Report in PDF and BI format, ready to embed it in your website
E-Learning: All courses up to 2 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
Custom Materiality Analysis* ⓘ
Get a chance to influence which sustainability matters are most material to you, and get a customized materiality map, unique to your company
ESG Analyst Debrief ⓘ
A 45' briefing (conference call) with an ESG analyst from ESGenius! to explain all the details of your results and improvement opportunities.
ESG Smart Action Plan ⓘ
An automated policy-making report at an entity level, including a customized, cost-based action plan. Incorporating Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and best business practices.
CO2 Calculator* ⓘ
An easy to use tool (customized per industry) to help calculate Scope 1 & 2 emissions from direct and indirect activities, the ESGenius! CO2 Calculator incorporates best-in-class data and is aligned with the most rigorous standards in carbon/GHG accounting. Users get a tool they can be confident calculates their emissions with the utmost relevance to their specific location, industry, and activity, and in full accordance with the National Climate Law (N.4936). The results can be incorporated directly in your ESG Pragmatic Rating. Available in English.
EU Taxonomy Alignment Tool* ⓘ
A complete EU Taxonomy Solution assessing companies’ alignment to the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation objectives to provide a holistic picture of a company’s overall alignment
E-Learning: All courses up to 5 users* ⓘ
Improve your sustainability & ESG knowledge, and maximize your performance with relevant and actionable e-learning courses via ESGenius Academy.
Εργαλείο αυτοαξιολόγησης για ευαισθητοποίησησε θέματα ESG μέσω ενσωμάτωσης στο e-banking
Plug n’ play εργαλείο για πλατφόρμα e-banking. Οι πελάτες e-banking μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν το εργαλείο ελεύθερα ως εργαλείο αυτοαξιολόγησης ESG ευαισθητοποίησης
Δυνατότητες διασύνδεσης με το e-banking της Τράπεζας.Οι πελάτες μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν το εργαλείο ελεύθεραως εργαλείο αυτοαξιολόγησης της ευαισθητοποίησης τους σε ζητήματα ESG μέσω e-banking.
Προσαρμοσμένο, plug n’ play εργαλείο ESG Assessment για ενσωμάτωση σε πλατφόρμες e-banking για την αξιολόγηση των πελατών σχετικά με την απόδοσή τους με βάση πραγματικά δεδομένα. Χρησιμοποιεί δεδομένα από KYC, CIF και επίσημη έγγραφα
Εργαλείο αξιολόγησης σε θέματα ESGμέσω ενσωμάτωσης στο e-banking
Προσαρμοσμένη ενότητα για τη συγκριτική αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης ESG και την αυτόματη αναφορά στην τράπεζα κατά την διαδικασία δανειοδότησης.
Προσαρμοσμένο εργαλείο για αξιολόγηση ESG μέσω e-bankingγια την αξιολόγηση των πελατών σχετικά με την απόδοσή τουςσε θέματα ESG, με βάση πραγματικά δεδομένα πελατών.Το εργαλείο χρησιμοποιεί δεδομένα από KYC, CIF και επίσημα έγγραφα.
Δυνατότητας δημιουργίας αναφορών BI (Business Intelligence) σχετικά με την απόδοση ESG των πελατών με προσαρμοσμένους, συγκεντρωτικούς δείκτες
Ενσωμάτωση παραμέτρων ESG στην διαδικασίαχορήγησης νέων δανείων και αξιολόγησης ρίσκου
Προσαρμογή του εργαλείου για τη συγκριτική αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης ESGκαι την αυτόματη εξαγωγή αναφορών στην τράπεζα κατά την διαδικασία χορήγησηςτων νέων δανείων.